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Feel Secure In Your Relationship 


Relax your mind, achieve change, and become a healthier, more present YOU.


5 Must-Haves To Overcome Jealousy

Feel Secure In Your Relationship

Relax your mind, be more present, and live life with confidence.

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Anxiety and jealousy can wreck havoc on your life.

Ruins Relationships

Jealousy destroys your partner's comfortability to be themselves around you, leads to arguments and resentment from your demands and questioning.

Physical Effects

During episodes of jealousy, your body's stress response is triggered, increasing your heart rate, your blood pressure, and other toxic effects.

Mental Anguish

Jealousy involves many self-conscious emotions like shame, guilt, and embarrassment, leaving you feeling very lonely in your suffering.  You're NOT alone.

Our Thoughts Are Relentless 

Those little monsters taking up space in our heads love to work overtime concocting new ways to convince us that we're not good "enough".  Telling us we're not: 

  • Smart enough
  • Lovable enough
  • Attractive enough
  • Funny enough
  • Skilled enough
  • Worthy enough

or any other soul-crushing blows they can lob your way.

Come Closer. 

I really want you to hear this part. 

These stories you're telling yourself are what's keeping you in the struggle and it's time to call BS on all that noise.  You CAN tame your jealousy and transform from fearful and anxious to calm and confident. 

I don't say that lightly.  I know the work it takes to get to a place where you can even imagine saying something like that.

I am a certified life coach and one of the select few who specialize in overcoming jealousy.  AND, I've got experience out the wazoo because I spent decades struggling with it myself.

You are why I started this whole thing.

As someone who has been where you are, I wanted to create a safe space where you can release your insecurities and challenges to step fully into your most confidence self and overcome the weight of this jealousy once and for all.  

I See You.

I Understand You.

I Was You.

5 Must-Haves to Overcome Jealousy

Jealousy requires a great strategy in place to tackle it.  Start with these 5 must-haves.

I'm Ready For Change

Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship

Jealous for so long, you forget what a healthy relationship looks like?  Here are some characteristics.

Yes, Give It To Me

The 7 Behaviors of Extreme Jealousy

Jealousy is a normal human emotion but these 7 behaviors may mean you've taken it too far.  

Send Me The Behaviors


The best way to trust someone is to trust them.  The second best way is to figure out what is triggering you to mistrust which requires you to evaluate what happened before, during, and after your jealous meltdown.

I Just Had a Meltdown. Give It To Me

FREE Discovery Call

What's the number one thing you wish you could change?  Let's talk about it and discuss how I can help.  Click below to schedule your 30-minute free Discovery Call.

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